single bidirectional pass


The "single bidirectional pass" is an algorithmic pattern that can be seen from time to time in super-duper optimized algos.

Let's say you want to sum the elements of a list, from left to right. This is a very straightforward task:

1A = [1,2,3,4]
2s = 0
3for i in range(len(A)):
4  s = s + A[i]
5  print(s, end=' ')


11 3 6 10

Please note this is equivalent to:

1from itertools import accumulate

Now let's say you want to do the same thing, but:

The sum from the right is easy to conceptualise:

1A = [1,2,3,4]
2s = 0
3for i in range(len(A)):
4  s = s + A[~i]
5  print(s, end=' ')


14, 7, 9, 10

Please note this is equivalent to:

1from itertools import accumulate

The issue is that, we want to add values from the opposite ends of each list:

1[1] 3 6 10       1 [3] 6 10       1 3 [6] 10       1 3 6  [10]       
24   7 9 [10]     4 7 [9] 10       4 [7] 9 10       [4] 7 9 10     
3 +                 +                +              +
4=11               =12              =13             14

Q: The first addition consists of 1 being added to 10. But how can you access that 10, since it only gets computed at the end of the loop?

You may be tempted to pre-compute the RTL sum and store the result into a list for later use.

 1from itertools import accumulate
 3A = [1,2,3,4]
 4rtl_sum = [*accumulate([1,2,3,4][::-1])][::-1]
 5ltr_sum = 0
 6result = [0] * len(A)
 8for i in range(len(A)):
 9 ltr_sum = ltr_sum + A[i]
10 result[i] = ltr_sum + rtl_sum[i]


1[11, 12, 13, 14]

Although the result would be correct, you'd be using additional space unnecessarily, not to mention inverting the data twice with slicing is ugly and confusing.

A: The trick is to stop thinking from left to right only! That's when the single bidirectional pass comes into play: add the LTR sum so far and also the RTL sum so far by using the array index complement ~. By the time the single pass has finished, our resulting array contains the sums of the LTR and RTL computations.

 1def two_way_swipe(A):
 2 l_s, r_s = 0, 0
 3 res = [0] * len(A)
 4 for i in range(len(A)):
 5     l_s = l_s + A[i]
 6     r_s = r_s + A[~i]
 7     res[i] += l_s
 8     res[~i] += r_s
 9 return res


1[11, 12, 13, 14]

See also:

[[list index complement]]
product of array except self
[[trapping rain water]]